International commercial terms

Here you will find Blue Water's General Conditions and a selection of laws applied in the transport and shipping industry

Incoterms 2020

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Incoterms 2020

Distribution of risks and costs between the seller and the buyer in international trade.

Incoterms are the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce on the interpretation of trade terms.

Incoterms are used when international trade agreements are made between companies to agree on how to resolve specific transport and risk issues. Each Incoterm determines where the risk is transferred between the seller and the buyer. Therefore, the Incoterm that best applies to the transaction is chosen to avoid uncertainties.

Incoterms 2020 as PDF (English)

What are Incoterms?


When businesses around the world trade with each other, they face a number of questions: Who will pay for shipping? When does the risk of the goods shift from the seller to the buyer? Who handles customs clearance?

To address these questions and create a uniform understanding across borders, Incoterms was introduced as a recognised international standard.