Traffic info about Road Transport

Blue Water wants to be transparent and takes great pride in supplying our customers with valuable information

Important information about transport worldwide

Here you will find important traffic information on Road Transport in Denmark and Europe. You are, of course, always more than welcome to reach out to your local Blue Water contact for further information.

July 2024

Paris Olympics may affect deliveries and collections in Greater Paris

During the upcoming Paris Olympics, from 26 July to 11 August 2024, disruptions to deliveries and collections in Greater Paris are expected. This concerns the postcodes 75, 77, 78, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95.

Naturally, we will do everything possible to ensure smooth and fast delivery and collection, but unfortunately delays may occur. Please contact Blue Water's experts in France traffics if you have any questions, or if you have shipments that require time delivery/collection, and we will ensure a customised solution.

November 2023

Significant increase of CO2 maut (German road tax)  

At the end of October, the German parliament approved the increase in the CO2 maut as of 1 December 2023. For 5-axle EURO-6 vehicles, the increase amounts to 83.2%. From 1 December, the new EU Road Tax rates will be available on our website.

Where does the maut increase apply?

  • Freight to and from Germany
  • Transit through Germany e.g. Poland to Belgium 

If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to your usual Blue Water contact who will be happy to help. 

September 2023

EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

From January 1, 2024, the ETS will be introduced, affecting ferry traffic within the EU/EEA collaboration. ETS is an emissions tax (CO2) applicable to commercial ferries i.e., ferries of minimum 5000 gross tonnage with freight and passengers. The implementation will be phased in as follows:

  • Payment of 40% reported emissions by January 1, 2024
  • Payment of 70% reported emissions by January 1, 2025
  • Payment of 100% reported emissions by January 1, 2026

ETS will affect freight costs to/from the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Baltic countries. We are following announcements from the shipping lines and will provide more information later this year. 

January 2022

Consequences of the EU Mobility Package phase two 

As from 2 February 2022, the EU Mobility Package phase two becomes effective. At Blue Water, we always follow the current legislation, and we demand the same of the hauliers driving for us.

Fundamental elements changed in the Mobility Package phase two are among others:

  • Return to home
    Any driver must return to home every 4th week and truck every 8th week, causing lost days of production calling for further compensation.
  • Stricter rules for cabotage
    Foreign haulier must drive no more than 3 cabotage trips within 7 days – followed by a waiting period / pause for 4 days. Driving related to combined transports is also regarded as cabotage.
  • Minimum wage
    Remuneration of foreign haulier by cabotage, combined transport or international third country driving must take place referring to the minimum wage in the EU country of operation. Example of third country driving: Lithuanian haulier driving between Norway and Germany.
  • Requirements of registration
    Demands of registration is enforced at cabotage, combined transport or third country driving in the European IMI system.
  • Tightened requirements of documentation
    Any driver must at roadside controls be able to document their movements at any time, for instance by presenting consignment notes for a period of 7 days as a minimum.
  • Penalty and sanctions
    If registration and documentation is missing, the penalty is increased, and the second time this occurs, the penalty is doubled.
  • Changed taxation for Polish, Rumanian and Bulgarian hauliers
    In these countries, taxation of driver’s salaries is changed, meaning increased gross expenses by up to 40%.

If you have any questions regarding your transport, please reach out to your regular contact at Blue Water.