





We play as a team

Blue Water Shipping is a Danish company and since it was founded by Kurt Skov in 1972, we have had the same core values and strong foundation. This is what binds us together and constitutes our fundamental DNA.

In recent years, Blue Water has grown a lot and our ambition is to continue growing at the right pace. To ensure continued success, we must remain focused on our purpose, direction and values.

Together We Create Solutions is Blue Water's purpose and Best in Town is our direction.

We work together - internally at Blue Water and externally with our customers, suppliers, partners and society - and we strive to be the best at what we do.

To be part of Blue Water is to be part of a strong and committed team. Trust, dedication and team spirit are fundamental to how we work and how we win.

Søren Nørgaard Thomsen
CEO Blue Water Shipping

Why join Blue Water?

Community and personal development

We improve the competencies of each individual employee for the purpose of meeting our strategic goals as well as the customers' individual solution requirements.

We aim to be the most desirable workplace in the cities we operate. As Blue Water employee you will become a part of an international workday where everyday is different.

We constantly focus on
  • Ongoing development of our BWS Academy (courses, programmes, education for both employees and managers).
  • Being engaged in the local community around the world. Furthermore, we support UN’s Sustainable
  • Development Goals, especially on goals 3, 12, 13, 16 supported by goal number 17
  • Having a great mix of different competencies – always with focus on business talent and enthusiasm.
  • Constantly developing our managers on all levels. In this way, they are skilled, engaged and prescient.

The Blue Water values

We play as a team – and we play to win

The colour of service is Blue – we work with passion to serve customers better, every day, everywhere

We keep our promises – because our business is built on trust

We believe in strong and long-lasting relations – enabling everyone to run a good business

Our responsibility reaches beyond our business – we take care of each other, our partners and society

We constantly question status quo – dedicated to improving our efficiency

Three pieces of good advice

  1. Explore your opportunities at Blue Water and start your job application process online.
  2. Visit our career site to see open positions. The jobs are displayed with job title, and you can find more detailed information about specific requirements in the job descriptions. You simply press “Apply” to apply online.
  3. Take your time to fill in your candidate profile. You can save your application on the way and return to it if necessary. In case you wish to apply for more than one position or work more than one place, you must fill in an application form for each position. You can easily go over, update or withdraw your applications through your candidate profile.

We will let you know when we receive your information, and if your application meets our requirements, we will invite you to a job interview.

What we emphasise

We have gathered the best tips from our recruitment team. Read this if you are interested in how to create the best possible job application and what we look for when we hire new colleagues.

  1. Target and personalise the application. Reflect on the requirements in the job advertisement and address them.
  2. Research the company, products and services. Preparation is important, and it shows.
  3. Substantiate your motivation for choosing our company. Why do you apply for a position here?
  4. Highlight your competencies that match our requirements from the job advertisement. However, do not simply list your full range of competencies.
  5. Produce a resume where we can quickly identify your career and educational course chronologically. You will indicate tidiness, structure, an eye for detail, the ability to prioritise and other matters.
  6. Future career. Where are you going? Rule of thumb: An application is prospective, and a resume is retrospective. No manager is interested in hiring a person who is already motivated for an entirely different job. On the contrary, we look for people with ambition and talent for more.

Our hiring process

Frequently asked questions

Every company has their own hiring process and luckily, we are all different. For that reason, we have assembled the answers for many different questions so you can be well prepared. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any further questions.