Reliable and trustworthy logistics

We do business with respect for our surrounding environment and employees.
As a global player and contributor to society, we focus on making sure that the impact we make is positive

Our responsibilities

Being a trustworthy supplier of transport and logistics takes more than providing deliveries on time. It also means taking an attitude towards some of the challenges we may face in our global society. We protect our values, our integrity and the world we are part of. And we want our clients to know that we keep our promises.

Code of Conduct and ethics

Since issuing our first Code of Conduct, we have been implementing new standards into our ethical guidelines, and we are continuously adjusting our code of conduct in order to follow global patterns of responsible behaviour.

We care for reliable and devoted suppliers believing that the industry has a joint obligation.

Below, you can download our Code of Conduct and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Sustainability Reports

The Sustainability Reports show the status of Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and CSR-related topics. Each report highlights our progress with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the overall policies for the area and the Global Business Risks in Blue Water Shipping.

If you have any questions related to the reports, please do not hesitate to contact Group HSSE & Quality at

Download yearly reports below

Global Tax Policy

Blue Water's Global Tax Policy outlines and describes the governing principles for tax management.

Global Health Policy

A healthy workforce is vital for our success, and we encourage our employees to be active, have fun, create social relations internally and strengthen our teamwork and culture through sports activities.

Global Safety Policy

Every Blue Water employee has the right to a safe workplace with a minimum of risks. We are committed to keep working for improvements, provide training and education for all employees, and we encourage a ‘zero incident' workplace.

Our standards for safety are accessible for all offices and employees at all times through our Global Management System.

Global Environmental Policy

Blue Water is focused on continuously reducing environmental impact based on defined improvement targets.

Our initiatives include a proactive effort to reduce waste, consumption of energy, usage of fuel and prevent spills. Also, we motivate clients and suppliers to give priority to environmentally friendly transport solutions.

Global Quality Policy

Quality is an important aspect in Blue Water’s daily efforts to create the best solutions for all clients.

We have defined quality objectives and planned activities applying for all Blue Water offices in the world. To achieve the standards we aim for, we have a Global Quality Policy stating our aim and means to achieve and fulfil our quality objectives.


Blue Water has a multisite agreement with Bureau Veritas for ISO certification according to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and ISO 45001:2018 (Health & Safety).

Several of our offices have obtained certification in all three standards, while some offices are certified according to ISO 9001:2015. Each year, we extend the number of offices under the multisite agreement.

We strive to give our business the best support when it comes to policies, processes and procedures. All offices must comply with our Global Management System, developed and implemented according to all clauses in the three standards.  

Our current certificates include a list of all certified offices.

Blue Water Ethics Line

Blue Water commits to an open and honest communication as the expectation - not the exception.

Reporting to the Ethics Line means that any employee, customer or business partner has the right to report directly to the Ethics Line without fear of retaliation or similar. This may be if someone knows about or has been involved in any unacceptable conditions or direct illegality, who they for ethical reasons decide to uncover or inform about.

Please note that Blue Water respects the right to privacy. We only process personal data about employees, customers and business partners for relevant business purposes. If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always find more information in the Privacy Policy or by contacting Corporate Compliance at: