Transport to the UEFA Euro 2024
Blue Water transports training equipment for the Danish men's national football team

Blue Water has been entrusted by the Danish Football Association (DBU) with the transport of essential items for the Danish men's national football team. DBU contacted Blue Water with a request to deliver 40' containers from the headquarter of DBU in Denmark to the European Championship training base in Freudenstadt in southern Germany.
First, the containers had to be delivered well in advance, with plenty of time for packing, then the containers had to be collected and delivered in Germany, and the unloading had to be arranged with an experienced local haulier for crane handling.
The containers carry the football team's training equipment and have now been delivered to the training ground, which will be the setting for the team's training activities over the next few weeks.
Blue Water has further transported two sprinters with additional equipment from Denmark to the training base in Germany. The Danish men's football team will hopefully stay in the championship until the end, with the final on 14 July. And when they are ready to go home, Blue Water will take care of the return of the containers.
We are cheering for the team and looking forward to following the matches!