30 years of business in Spain

Blue Water Spain can celebrate a special milestone this year: three decades of dedicated service and growth

Left to right: Hélio Esteves and Amadeu Outeiro.

In 1994, Blue Water opened its first office in Spain in Barcelona. The office started out offering Spanish customers European road services, deep sea shipping and air freight. Only two months later, another office opening followed in Madrid, Spain, supporting the business and traffics even further. 

From the very beginning of Blue Water’s presence in Spain, the activities and management have been operated by the experienced Amadeu Outeiro, who is today General Manager Spain. He explains: “Over the last 30 years, Blue Water’s position in Spain has grown significantly. We are today servicing a wide range of customers and industries, today with a major presence within Reefer Logistics, Cruise & Marine Logistics as well as General Cargo”. 

In 2018, Blue Water opened another office in Spain, this time with location in Valencia. The core business is concentrated around meeting the local demand for reefer activities and export traffic mainly to Central and South Americas. 

The positive development continues

After 30 years of dedication to his role, Amadeu Outeiro is planning a well-deserved retirement, passing on the baton on to Hélio Esteves, who is today Country Manager of Portugal, taking over Spain along with the local leader team. 

“It’s an honour to have the opportunity to continue all the work that has been done in the past 3 decades by Amadeu and all the team in Spain and I very much look forward to continuing the positive development of Blue Water’s presence in Iberia as there are synergies that we will certainly further explore, covering all angles of the supply chain.

We are expanding our transport and logistics services and upgrading our local facilities. Expanding our footprint and adding more verticals where globally Blue Water have a strong track record and expertise is the path we will follow in the years to come”, explains Hélio Esteves.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming Cruise season and have several activities planned to further strengthen our market position. Our focus remains on delivering high-quality services and innovative solutions to our clients. We anticipate a productive year, with strategic initiatives aimed at growth and enhanced customer satisfaction.

The front page of Blue Water's in-house produced magazine »Blue Water News« in 1994.