Quote terms

Here you will find Blue Water's General Conditions regarding quotations for Air Freight

Air Freight



Blue Water Scandinavia operates in accordance with the conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.

The Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders has, together with the Danish Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the industry's central organisations in the other Nordic Countries, negotiated the general conditions NSAB 2015.

NSAB 2015 are the underlying rules and regulations regulating the terms and conditions between the transport purchaser and the freight forwarder.

NSAB 2015 (Danish)

NSAB 2015 (English)

Blue Water Scandinavia operates in accordance with the conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.

The Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders has, together with the Danish Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the industry's central organisations in the other Nordic Countries, negotiated the general conditions NSAB 2015.

NSAB 2015 are the underlying rules and regulations regulating the terms and conditions between the transport purchaser and the freight forwarder.

NSAB 2015 (Finnish)

NSAB 2015 (English)

Blue Water operates in accordance with GV TLF 2017 in France.

CGV TLF 2017 (English)

CGV TLF 2017 (French)

Blue Water operates in accordance with ADSp 2017 in Germany.

ADSp 2017

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 (ADSp 2017). Auf die in den ADSp 2017 von den gesetzlich an Bestimmungen abweichenden Haftungsregelungen wird ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Die ADSp 2017 sind jederzeit unter https://www.bws.net/conditions abrufbar und werden auf Verlangen übersandt.

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der deutschen Datenschutzbedingungen und der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung VO (EU) 2016/679 (DS-GVO) und VO (EU) 2018/1725, jeweils gültige Fassung. Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung VO (EU) 2016/679 und VO (EU) 2018/1725 sind unter https://www.bws.net/conditions einsehbar.

Blue Water operates in accordance with Fenex in Netherlands.

Fenex (English)

Blue Water Scandinavia operates in accordance with the conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.

The Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders has, together with the Danish Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the industry's central organisations in the other Nordic Countries, negotiated the general conditions NSAB 2015.

NSAB 2015 are the underlying rules and regulations regulating the terms and conditions between the transport purchaser and the freight forwarder.

NSAB 2015 (Norwegian)

NSAB 2015 (English)

Blue Water operates in accordance with the conditions of the Portuguese Forwarders.

Conditions (Portuguese)

Conditions (English)

Blue Water Scandinavia operates in accordance with the conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders.

The Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders has, together with the Danish Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the industry's central organisations in the other Nordic Countries, negotiated the general conditions NSAB 2015.

NSAB 2015 are the underlying rules and regulations regulating the terms and conditions between the transport purchaser and the freight forwarder.

NSAB 2015 (Swedish)

NSAB 2015 (English)

Blue Water operates in accordance with BIFA in UK.

BIFA STC 2017 (England-Wales)

North America

Blue Water operates in accordance with CIFFA standard terms & conditions in Canada.

CIFFA (English)

Blue Water operates in accordance with AWB standard terms & conditions in United States of America.

 AWB (English)